How to use your heat pump efficiently this summer 

With summer quickly approaching in New Zealand, it’s time to start thinking about how to use your heat pump efficiently to keep your home cool and comfortable during the hot summer months. 

Heat pumps are one of the most cost-effective ways to heat and cool your home, but if you don’t use them correctly, you could end up with a large energy bill at the end of the month. To help you make the most of your heat pump this summer, here are some tips on how to use your heat pump efficiently.

Set the Temperature Appropriately

When it comes to using your heat pump efficiently, it’s important to set the temperature appropriately for the season. During the summer months, the ideal temperature for your home is between 18-22 degrees Celsius. If your home is too hot or too cold, it will require more energy to reach the desired temperature. So, make sure you set the temperature appropriately for the season.

Utilise the Fan Feature

Most heat pumps come with a fan feature, which is great for cooling your home without having to turn on the air conditioning. The fan feature is a great way to keep your home cool without using too much energy. It’s also good to use the fan feature during the night time to keep the temperature of your home at a comfortable level.

Clean the Filters Regularly

The filters in your heat pump need to be cleaned regularly for it to work efficiently. When the filters become clogged with dust and debris, it can cause the heat pump to work harder and use more energy. So, make sure you clean the filters at least once a month to ensure the heat pump is running at its best.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Using a programmable thermostat is a great way to make sure your heat pump is running efficiently. With a programmable thermostat, you can set the temperature of your home. That way you heat pump will not be working overtime constantly pumping out cool air. 

The thermostat works by only turning on the heatpump to pump out more cool air when necessary in order to keep the space at the desired temperature. 

Insulate Your Home

Insulating your home is one of the most effective ways to reduce your energy costs during the summer months. By making sure your home is well insulated, you can help keep the cool air inside and the hot air outside. This will help your heat pump run more efficiently and save you money on your energy bills.

Alot of Dunedin homes in particular are older and have poor insulation and heating/cooling options. Insulation is important not just for keeping your Dunedin home warm in the cold winters down there, but also insulation aids in keeping cool air inside during the summer months. 


By following these tips, you can ensure your heat pump is running efficiently this summer and save yourself some money on your energy bills. Heat pumps are one of the most cost-effective ways to heat and cool your home, so make sure you use them correctly to get the most out of them.