5 Ways a Quality Heat Pump Could Save your Winter

Christchurch winters can be tough, in more ways than one. Sickness can strike you and your loved ones, having to hoard blankets for chilly nights, not to mention having to toss up between heating and a pricey power bill. However, with the weather sitting between 11℃ and 3℃ in mid-winter, having a warm home to escape the chilly days is essential. Forking out for a heat pump can seem daunting at first, but in the long run, the benefits far outweigh any negatives. Here are 5 reasons to consider swapping to a heat pump today.

It’s More Efficient

First and foremost, did you know a heat pump could actually save you money? Many heat pumps are in fact more efficient than the average heater. This is because heat pumps extract heat from the ground or air and use that to heat your home, rather than most heaters which have to create heat from scratch. 

A Heat pump in heating mode makes its heating source the air outside your home (even when outdoor temperatures are low) The physics of the process are pretty straightforward. Heat energy is absorbed in the outdoor unit by the cool liquid refrigerant, turning it into cold gas. 

Pressure is then applied to the cold gas, turning it into a hot gas. The hot gas is cooled in the indoor unit by passing air, heating the air and condensing the gas back to a liquid. The liquid is relieved of pressure as it enters the outdoor unit, turning it to cool liquid and renewing the cycle.

Compare this to a regular heater which has to make heat from scratch by heating a wire using electricity, and then distributing that energy into the air in a room. The fact that a heat pump is able to distribute and circulate heat without having to create it from scratch makes it much more efficient than a standard heater, and can actually save you money in your power bill down the line.

It Protects your Health

There are many health benefits associated with using a heat pump. One of the most important is that it can help to improve indoor air quality. Heat pumps circulate air more effectively than most other heating and cooling systems, and they also remove humidity from the air. This can help to reduce the amount of dust, pollen, and other allergens in the air, and can also help to reduce the risk of mould and mildew growth. 

Heat pumps also help to improve respiratory health by providing filtered and conditioned air. By reducing the amount of dust and allergens in your home, they can help to reduce the symptoms of asthma and other respiratory conditions. Additionally, the humidity control provided by heat pumps can also help to reduce the risk of sinus infections.

Predominantly though, heat pumps can help your health by keeping you and your family warm. No one wants to get sick in winter, and a warm, well-heated home can reduce that risk. A cold house in winter can become damp and become a den for mould and other germs to grow. This isn’t healthy for anyone, particularly if you have children or people with respiratory illnesses in the house. A quality heat pump in your Christchurch house can keep it warm and stop germs and sickness, helping to protect you and your loved ones from those harsh Canterbury winters.

Stay comfy on cold nights

This one seems obvious, but you can’t deny the appeal of staying warm and cosy on cold winter nights. There’s nothing worse than getting home after a long, chilly winter day, only to return to a frozen house. Unfortunately, piling on layers and blankets and choosing one spot to sit for the rest of the night is a relatable experience for many people. Having a heat pump can put an end to those issues, as you can circulate warm air through your living space, heating your home and helping you to leave the cold winter at your doorstep.

Not only can having your home be warm and cosy be beneficial for your surface-level comfort, but it can also actually benefit your mental health too. There are many reasons why a warm home is good for mental health. A warm home is more comfortable and inviting, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, being in a warm environment can help improve blood circulation and boost energy levels. Finally, a warm home can also help improve sleep quality, which is essential for overall mental health.

Environmentally friendly

There are several reasons why heat pumps are environmentally friendly, so have no fear if keeping your home green is on your list of priorities. 

First, heat pumps can help to reduce the amount of energy used to heat and cool a building. This is because heat pumps transfer heat instead of generating it. As a result, heat pumps can save a significant amount of energy compared to traditional heating and cooling systems. 

Another reason why heat pumps are environmentally friendly is that they can help to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are released when fossil fuels are burned to generate heat. Heat pumps do not release any greenhouse gases when they are operating. 

Finally, heat pumps are generally very efficient. This means that they use less energy to transfer heat than other types of heating and cooling systems. This makes heat pumps an excellent choice for those who are looking for an environmentally friendly way to heat and cool their home or office.


In conclusion, a heat pump can save your winter in many ways. By providing heating and cooling, reducing energy costs, and improving indoor air quality, a heat pump can make your winter much more comfortable. Contact a qualified HVAC contractor to learn more about how a heat pump can save your winter.