7 Reasons Fujitsu Heat Pumps are Best for Dunedin Winters

Every January, many people remember they need a heat hump. But winter seems so far off – until all of a sudden it isn’t! Fortunately many heat pump providers, like McClelland Refrigeration, have amazing specials close to winter. But which Heat Pump should you choose?

In order to understand why Fujitsu heat Pumps are the best heat pumps for Dunedin and its unique climate, we first need to understand how a heat pump works.

How a Fujitsu Heat Pump Works

Heat pumps work in the same way your refrigerator does, but in reverse. You may have noticed that the back of your refrigerator is warm. That heat is coming from inside your fridge. An evaporator coil extracts warmth from the air inside, and transfers it out into your kitchen through the condenser coil in the back.

The same things happens with your heat pump.

A heat pump has two units: one inside your home, and one outside. Because it is outside all year long in Dunedin’s harsh conditions, it is critical that you have a heat pump that has been manufactured to last for years.

You will also want the best warranty to protect against any defects in parts, materials and factory workmanship.

The outdoor unit absorbs heat energy from the air outside your home – even on a frosty Dunedin winter morning. Due to dust and other pollutants moving around your home, it is vital that your heat pump has excellent filters to remove all unwanted and unhelpful particles from entering your home – and your lungs.


Heat energy (not air) is transferred from outside the house to the inside

This heats up the refrigerant within the outside unit which is then transferred to the inside unit. This process uses energy, and not all heat pumps are made equal. You will want a heat pump that has a reputation for being energy efficient.

When the inside unit draws your living room air over the hot coolant, it increases the air temperature. This cycle is repeated until the air in your home get to the temperature you desire.

In summer, the two units switch roles and heat energy is transferred from inside the house to the outside, leaving your room cooler.

Here are 7 reasons why you should trust Fujitsu Heat Pumps in Dunedin

Fujitsu Heat Pumps Have the Best Warranty


On a cold Dunedin morning, the last thing you want is a problem with your heat pump. But if you do have a problem you want the best warranty and manufacturer support that you can get.

While other heat pumps brands in New Zealand offer a 3 or 5 year warranty, Fujitsu go the extra distance.

Fujitsu believe in the quality and reliability of every Heat Pump/Air Conditioner they sell, so they offer a full 6-year parts and labour warranty.

Fujitsu warrants the heat pump against any defects in materials and factory workmanship for a period of six years from the date of original installation, as long as the installation was completed by a current Fujitsu Customer.

You can read the full analysis here.